All this while playing Diablo, I’ve never really bothered starting a seasonal hero. Basically seasons is to Diablo III what ladders were for Diablo II, where you start a character from scratch with zero (read 0, nada, kosong) loot, money or paragon points from your non-seasonal character. Why? This is to ensure a level playing field as progress is ranked in a leaderboard in seasons.

No, that’s not a KPOP group

Well a couple of days back, I was struck with a serious case of FOMO since I’ve read somewhere that completing a season’s objectives will net you a complete set of gear. That’s quite an incentive actually, as your seasonal character rolls over to be non-season once a season has ended. So, with trepidation, and not knowing what to expect, I started with a new Demon Hunter, on Hard.

Starting from scratch, I find the pace something that I’m not accustomed to. And 5 character levels up, I’m still stuck with the dinky hand crossbow that I started the game with. On the other hand, the Royal Quaters seems to be a nice place to level up, with plenty of skeletons to massacre. But the pace of killing so many bones was just so….slow.

It was so bad, I went back to my previous character, which was already quite OP (not to mention, a pet-heavy character with shadow clones, golems, skeletons, and even fallen fanatics) in the first place, to decimate hordes of demons in Torment.

I did mention she was pet-heavy

In any case, I’ve plans to come up with a new season character with a character class I’m unaccustomed with, most likely the Monk. Yup, a Shaolin-inspired Monk trying to wreak havoc in Sanctuary. That does sound like an idea.

Diablo 3 Eternal Collection for the Nintendo Switch is available on Amazon. Check it out over here: