Have you ever seen one of those documentaries on the Apollo space program and be in awe with human achievement? Often the fascinating views of the moon, the lander, and even the astronauts had a grainy feel to them, and that particular look has been rendered in spectacular effect in Polish indie developer BeardedBrothers.Games‘ upcoming title. Moonshot. Just check out the trailer below.

Moonshot is a realistic space-themed game that combines survival and tycoon genre elements, set in the exciting backdrop of the 2027 space colonization race. Players step into the shoes of a pioneering team leader, tasked to become the first astronaut to set foot on the Moon since 1972.

The game challenges players to build and manage rockets, oversee a skilled team, and strategically navigate the lunar landscape using near-future, realistically depicted technology. BeardedBrothers.Games will be releasing Moonshot into Early Access in Q3 2025, so sit tight and stay tuned for updates on Nineoverten.com.