Monster-destroying-town-in-a-2D-side-scroller-game…that’s not something you’d see everyday on an iOS device, but maybe that’s Canadian indie software developer, GlitchSoft’s, idea to tap into a niche genre. The backstory of the game tells of Destructopus, a normally peaceful creature rudely awaken from slumber by greedy oil drilling industrialists…kinda like Godzilla but with all the action happening through the gorilla glass of an iOS device near you.

The completely original game is a hybrid of several popular types of arcade gameplay and features a mix of side scrolling and third person shooter action. Gameplay elements mix together seamlessly as players battle an onslaught of environmental exploiters of all types in polished graphic environments. Towering over buildings and trees, players control the mighty Destructopus, a powerful beast from the sea that cares deeply for the natural environment.

Enraged at the treatment of the Earth, the Destructopus rampages to stop further environmental degradation. Throughout the game, players can expect a healthy dose of satire and lighthearted pokes at society for environmental apathy. For a preview of the destruction and comedy to come, GlitchSoft was willing to leak some information about the Destructopus’ abilities. Apparently, the monster prefers to dine on only the finest organic fruits and vegetables grown by Canada’s greenest of the green thumbs himself.

Apparently, if you want the Destructopus to be able to incinerate an entire city, all you need to do is feed it the finest organic hot peppers! Pretty cool eh? Do stay tuned for more coverage on Destructopus on Nine Over Ten 9/10 as the game is slated to be released by the end of this month.