I took a couple of retro-looking universal app games for a spin on the iPad and came away unimpressed. The games featured 8-bit graphics and having all these blown up on the big iPad screen was pretty nauseating. I’m in the opinion that such games (Super Mega Worm and The Incident) are better suited for the iPhone than anything else. The small form factor on the iPhone makes the graphics look really nice.

I’m currently reviewing a whole bunch of games, and they are a mixed bag. Due to the amount of games involved, I think I’ll only publish the reviews for the noteworthy ones. It’s a shame that some of the poorer games boast a really good 3D engine or beautiful 2D graphics only to feature boring, uninspired gameplay.

It’s a head scratcher sometimes since I would want to dig a little deeper to find out any redeeming value only to come up with dirt: iTangram, Soccer Stealers HD, here’s looking at your yawn inducing mugs. I find that bashing  a game will often result in a longer review piece compared to a positive one (I don’t know why, it just takes a lot to justify that a game sucks in my book).

I accept all iPhone game review requests that come my way and the experience has been great! However, with the quantity involved there are surely to be some bad apples. The question would be if you write reviews, would you bother putting up the ones on sucky games?