People in the Mekong delta region are really crazy about their afternoon (after lunch) siesta and hammocks. You can see for yourself on the 3 hour bus ride to the region; there are plenty of road side stops that serve the famous Vietnamese coffee and at the same time provide hammocks and long backed metal frame chairs for people to take a nap on.

It was my first time in a decade or so since I last sat in a hammock, and true enough I nearly fell in my first new attempt to sit on one yesterday afternoon. That took place in a small restaurant on one of the numerous islands in the Mekong delta. I found out that lying down on a hammock and reading Lonely Planet off the iPhone is really relaxing, decadent even, when done in a busy place like KL (like that’s gonna happen).

In any case the trip to the Mekong delta involved visiting the Cai Be floating market which unlike the one in Bangkok, Thailand, stuff are sold wholesale. We visited several cottage industries and saw the preparation of the region’s sweets and snacks.

I’ll bd going out of town from Saigon as well today, to visit the Cuchi Tunnels. These tunnels are apparently not for the claustrophobic and were used by the Vietcong during the Vietnam war. There’s a firing range there as well, hopefully I get to fire a few rounds off an AK47.