A good friend of mine told me that he uses his toilet breaks to play with his Nintendo DS or Sony PSP. There was once where he dropped an IM message that he finished the final stage of Elite Beat Agents during on of those breaks. The thought of playing in the toilet makes me reluctant to ask to for his DS/PSP the next time I see him.


Having said that, I can pretty much understand my friend’s situation. We are all busy working adults and therefore time for games is considered a premium, so much so that some of us make loo time a part of our video gaming experience.

In my case though, I tend to sacrifice some sleep. I get by with 5-6 hours a day and it’s pretty normal for me to have a game of Red Alert 3 at midnight and then kickstart the next morning with a Nintendo DS game at 6.30 a.m. And unlike my friend, toilet business don’t mix with gaming. I prefer to catch up on my reading in the loo.

Cough. What about you dear reader? Do you game at unlikely places, or un-Godly hours. Comments are open as always.