If you are a fan of Super Mario Land on the GameBoy, you really should check out Fire Fruit Forge’s latest title for the iPhone, Terra Noctis. Much like Super Mario Land, Terra Noctis is a 2D platformer that borrows liberally from the earlier mentioned game, it even has destructible blocks and their very own version of coin boxes, secret areas within levels and the same method to get rid of enemies..by jumping on their heads.

Imitation is often said to be the sincerest form of flattery, and what Terra Noctis brings in addition to what that has already been mentioned above is tight controls. The game is a joy to play with and while Mario’s pixelated look on the GameBoy was necessary given the hardware available at that time, Terra Noctis’ pixel art graphics is simply astounding. It just goes to show that besides aiming for console like graphics for 3D games on the iPhone, there’s plenty of room for exploration in other genres as well.

Nine Over Ten 9/10 rates Terra Noctis at a 5 out of 5, this game is just…awesome! Go out (I mean figuratively, you’ll just need access to the App Store) and get the game for USD 2.99. Check it out over here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/terra-noctis/id479517015?mt=8. A review code was provided to Nine Over Ten 9/10 for the purpose of this review.