One of our favourite games on the iOS, Destructopus, put players in the shoes of a horrible monster right out of those old-school monster movies like Ultraman. This game by Glitchsoft is now available for free for a limited time only, so be sure to check it out on the App Store (click here), but not before reading our review of the game first 🙂 :

The game comes with an update, dubbed Total Rampage, which doubles up the game’s content by bringing about Game Center achievements 12 new levels, 2 new worlds, new monsters, new upgrades, new controls, more physics, and new puzzles! The complete paid version will be available for Free in partnership with Free App A Day in celebration of Labor Day as of Wednesday, August 31st. GlitchSoft is also planning on leaving the title as free for the entire Labor Day weekend.

“The GlitchSoft team has been working around the clock and w e are about a month away from releasing our next iOS game. We’re excited, but tired and we decided a well deserved break was in order” says Rob Price from the GlitchSoft team. “We know we’re not the only ones working hard these days and we think everyone should take a break and de-stress this weekend. After all, nothing beats smashing entire buildings to the ground for stress relief!”