Long time readers would know that I absolutely loved inFAMOUS on the PS3. What’s not to like when you progress from being a wannabe with electrical powers to becoming a bonafide superhero (by the end of the game) capable of bringing down a lightning storm. So it’s only natural that I’m harping for an inFAMOUS 2 and E3 (along with Sony and Sucker Punch) didn’t disappoint as more details were revealed about the sequel, including a trailer.

There are several notable changes, especially with Cole’s character model and voice. The grim, bald, gravel-voiced protagonist is still the same guy in inFAMOUS 2 except that he sounds more positive, has hair, and looks….metrosexual. Talk about an understatement eh? It’s like a 360 change but time will tell whether this is for the better or worse.

Taking a break from all the PS3 loving, more screenshots of Civilization 5 were released. This maybe my single reason to get back to playing games on the PC. Just take a look at the screenshot below; it’s just gorgeous!