So I was in this alien spaceship, having defrosted not 1, but 2 Super Mutant Overlords. They proceeded to pummel me into a corner (having the uncanny ability to find me in the first place). At the end of the entire debacle, I was actually stucked in the corner unable to move out.


Realising that I hadn’t save the game for the past 10 minutes, and thinking what would a waste it would be to restart after wracking such a high body count, I tried every possible way to free myself from the corner.

Crouching and jumping didn’t help, and grenades only served to cripple my legs before taking care of my arms. I would have fired a missile if I had carried a rocket launcher with me.

When it seems that no amount of splash damage was going to pry me lose of my predicament, I decided to turn off the game. Here’s a tip kiddies, be careful where you back into when running and gunning, sometimes, you don’t get to come out.