We all know that the new NDSi comes equipped cameras, but what about us Nintendo DS/DS Lite owners? Well, there’s no need to feel left out as your little Nintendo money-makers can be equipped with cameras as well.

First up, you’ll need a NDS/NDSL console. Mine is an old phat NDS, yup, it’s old-school but that’s the way we roll here at NineOverTen. Next up, you’ll need a camera attachment. Where to get one you ask? Why, by purchasing a copy of Face Training DS. LOL.

Ok, before you start throwing bricks at me (especially those expecting a real guide), here’s a little bit of background. Otona no DS Kao Training, otherwise known as Face Training DS is a part of Nintendo’s Touch Generations Japanese line, and features a Slot-2 camera attachment that takes pictures of you to help you exercise your face and other upper body muscles.

Play-Asia was selling the game at a heavily discounted price of USD 19.90 (the price has since went back to USD 48.90) last week, and I promptly ordered a copy. The package arrived yesterday, very fast indeed.  The camera is like one of those cheap webcams you can get at the local computer store. Whatever that’ was showing on the touchscreen was grainy but what can you expect from something that costs (along with the game) USD 50.

The game itself is pretty fun, it had me doing pretty strenuous, not to mention awkward facial expressions (and you’re supposed to hold ’em for 5 seconds) in no time. The game shows a montage of your expressions after every session, not something you want to show err..your girlfriend, for instance. It also had me doing some neck and shoulder exercise. Cool stuff, trust the Japanese to come up with this sort of things.

Here are some pictures: